2024 Show Dates

Please enter on www.STRIDERPRO.COM 

Please check the Times link to confirm your entry was received by the secretary before closing date.

Final Times posted Thursday before show.

Victoria Morano Photography at 4/19, 5/17, 9/20, and 11/22 shows. https://victoriamoranophoto.shootproof.com

Dressage Shows at

Second Nature Farm

Please enter on www.striderpro.com

Sign Up For Upcoming Dressage Schooling Events

We have great awards as well as a FUN & relaxed atmosphere!

SNF Schooling Shows are sanctioned for Year-end awards for DVCTA and Triangle Show Series.
TIP and DVCTA High Point awards for every show.

$40/test, $42/test is paying via Venmo, Coggins, Flu/Rhino record.

$10/per entry processing fee.

SNF Prizelist

SNF Show Entry



Second Nature Farm Year End Series

Fill out your application to be a part of the SERIES!!!!!

Your top three scores, from 4 separate SNF shows each season will be counted toward series end results.

*the November show does NOT count toward year-end awards*

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR scores count from the DATE your application is received. Cost $30

Below please find the SNF Year End Series Registration. This registration will be available at all SNF Dressage shows from April through July.

SNF Series Registration Form

***If you enter online, AND you DO NOT see your name and entry status on the “entries received list” within 24 hours, please email aneciasnf@gmail.com***